Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy uses a pulsing magnetic frequency to increase cellular health and vitality by improving electrical balance. This results in an increase in nutrient circulation and oxygen flow. Once cells are fully charged and functioning well, we see a reduction in pain and inflammation, an improvement in joint range of motion, and a reduction in overall stress. Restorative abilities in the body are accelerated allowing optimal health and performance.
Electromagnetic fields are now acknowledged and accepted by traditional medicine as real and beneficial healing alternatives to a range of health problems; even when conventional medicine has failed. Electromagnetic therapy offers a non-invasive, safe, and easy method to directly treat the site of injury, the source of pain and inflammation, and other types of diseases and pathologies.
The worldwide use of PEMF therapy has increased substantially in recent years and is often used in the treatment of musculoskeletal system, inflammation and pain relief. PEMF has also been used to improve sleep, mental focus, and overall performance by helping the energy output and regeneration of the body’s cells.
How does PEMF therapy work?
Human chemistry is controlled by natural electromagnetic energy. Intra cellular communication relies on an electrical current. Without sufficient “with-in cell” voltage nothing happens in the body. Cells become impaired and cellular function is compromised when electromagnetic energy is disrupted. Such examples include deficiencies from a bad diet, bruising and injury, or simply the process of aging. If cells are not healthy, the body is not healthy.
When a corresponding electromagnetic field is introduced into the body, healthy electromagnetic exchanges can be re-established. Therefore, the reason PEMFs are considered extremely useful is because they are capable of stimulating cellular voltage or cellular vitality throughout all levels of the body. When applied externally, PEMF therapy positively affects individual cells, organs, tissues, and thereby the entire biological system.
Effects of PEMF on cells
PEMF sustains the electrical surface tension of all cell membranes in the body. When the electrical surface tension of the cell membrane is maintained, neurons, tissue, and muscle cells can increase their productivity because nutrient- waste exchange occurs more readily and efficiently within the cell.
Importantly, the maintenance of the electrical surface tension of the cell membrane results in improved blood supply. This allows red blood cells to distribute increased volumes of oxygen throughout the body, and ultimately boosts the immune system to encourage more rapid healing. Better cell function ensures better physical and neurological performance.
What types of conditions can PEMF therapy treat?
All cells in the body respond to electromagnetic fields, and so PEMF is a whole-body treatment rather than condition specific. Clinical studies have demonstrated that PEMFs are capable of:
Increasing micro circulation
Improving blood oxygenation
Decreasing inflammation
Accelerating bone healing
Enhancing muscle function
Reducing the effects of stress
Accelerating detoxification
Increasing energy
Why choose PEMF therapy?
For persistent pain
For sleep management
For mental focus
For stress reduction
For injury, recovery, and healing
For general health
How effective is PEMF and how long does it take for to work?
Effectiveness depends on the individual, their age, the type and severity of their condition; the person’s lifestyle, mental approach to life and other variables. Some people notice something in the first treatment while others may take weeks or even months. The best way to find out is to commit to a prescribed number of sessions and evaluate the results.
Why treatment at a cellular level?
When the charge of the cell membrane is positively affected by magnetic fields the membrane channels open. These channels are like the windows and doors of a house. When the cell channels are opened, nutrients enter the cell more easily and cellular waste is more easily removed, helping to rebalance and restore optimum function of the cell.
As cell vitality is restored, they perform more efficiently and effectively. The same type of cells bind together to make tissues, which in turn bind together to form organs. Therefore, when cellular function is restored and maintained, organ function is also enabling the whole body to function in a better way.
Is PEMF Safe?
The three contraindications for low frequency and low intensity PEMF systems are:
any battery-operated implanted device like a pacemaker
For high intensity systems there are many cautions besides the ones listed above. Caution should also be observed with breast implants and implanted metals such as joint replacements, dental implants, mechanical heart valves, metal stents, or metal staples in blood vessels metal screws in bones.
The only side-effects of PEMF can be some dehydration and detoxification, also known as a Herxheimer reaction or Herx in Australia. Standard protocols for low-intensity PEMF machines elicit little or no side effects in 95% of the people treated.
PEMF therapy should never be used if the applicators have to be placed over implanted electrical devices like intrathecal pumps, cochlear implants, and pacemakers. This precaution is taken to make sure that the magnetic field does not affect the performance of these devices.
What’s Involved?
Suncoast Functional PEMF therapy uses state of the art IMRS technology, which is acknowledged as one of the best systems in the industry. The IMRS system also permits the inclusion of Far Infrared Light Therapy, which is also known to provide many therapeutic benefits.
The Research
Research in the field of PEMF is extensive with a vast range of published studies on PubMed, or you can access approximately 1600 studies about the beneficial effects of PEMF’s here.
Benefits of PEMF
Sleep management
REM sleep and deep sleep are important parts of the sleep cycle and necessary in achieving healthy brain function. PEMF therapy not only recharges the body providing increased energy during the day, but it also assists to ensure a good night of quality sleep. Ultimately, sleep revitalizes and heals the body, so healthy sleep is important to healthy physical and neurological function.
PEMF results in deep relaxation that assists the process of falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night. It relaxes both the mind and body and facilitates the release of two important hormones: Melatonin and Human Growth Hormone (HGH). These hormones are crucial for longevity and quality of sleep, thereby improving the sleep cycle as well as assisting with anti-aging properties.
Mental focus
The programs in PEMF therapy assist with clarity, creativity, focus, concentration, and cognitive processing. Data processing, problem solving, and multitasking is increased, allowing individuals to prevent distraction, have focused control, and be highly productive.
Stress reduction
Studies have found that when PEMF therapy is used regularly it changes stress responses in the body by acting directly on major related components. The endocrine and nervous systems are positively influenced, along with the cells, tissue and organs of the body. PEMF can assist the body to become less reactive to episodes of chronic stress.
Sports performance and injury recovery
PEMF therapy assists in sports preparation and performance as well as recovery from injury. When PEMF therapy is performed regularly muscles can work harder for a longer and then recover more rapidly. PEMF therapy triggers the process of energy production in muscles and can increase cellular energy by as much as 500%.
PEMF therapy also facilitates the efficient production of heat stress proteins prior to exercise, which prevent the breakdown and wear and tear of cells, while encouraging accelerated healing from injury.
Studies show that PEMF increases the uptake of oxygen into muscle by at least 1%. This is sufficient to substantially improve endurance and performance. PEMF therapy stimulates blood vessel growth which increases circulation, and this further assists tissues to receive their nutrition and expel cellular waste.
For the “occasional athlete”, this means less pain and tenderness the day after exercise. For the competitive athlete, this means more effective training and reduced recovery time between training sessions. For everyone else, it means building a healthier environment within the body, which is less likely to become susceptible to injury.
Contact our office to book your appointment on (07) 5314 2235.